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Open Ears: Fostering Creativity Through Feedback

At Open Ears, we provide a safe and supportive space for artists to share their unreleased music without the pressure of perfection. Our platform encourages artists to showcase songs they may be uncertain about, recognizing that hidden gems often lie within these unreleased tracks.

Before each song is played, the audience is handed a sheet of paper listing the titles of the songs in order. Below each title, a simple question is posed: "Is this song ready or does it still need work?" This simple prompt empowers listeners to provide valuable feedback. If the consensus is that a song still needs work, the audience is encouraged to jot down their notes and ideas for improvement.

This unique approach not only helps artists gain insight into their unreleased material but also offers a diverse range of perspectives that can spark creativity and provide clarity. The feedback gathered from the audience serves as a roadmap for artists to refine and complete their unfinished tracks, ultimately elevating their artistic journey.